Cheryl MillerCheryl Miller

Phone Slam

On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, as patients and supporters visit congressional offices in Washington, medical marijuana supporters across the U.S. will be calling those same offices to thank supporters and lobby others to cosponsor HR 2233, the States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act, as well as offices of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to take them to task for their failure to provide accurate information about medical marijuana to MS sufferers.

Students -- Click here for SSDP Phone Slam page!

If your representative voted for the Hinchey Rohrabacher Amendment, please call and express your appreciation. If they are not yet a cosponsor of federal legislation, ask they become a cosponsor. And those who voted against the Hinchey Rohrabacher Amendment should be contacted and urged to get on the right side of the issue.

Roll call vote on H J RES 117 Expressing the Sense of Congress that Marijuana is a Dangerous and Addictive Drug and Should not be Legalized for Medicinal Use 15-SEP-1998.
Roll call vote on the Hinchey Rohrabacher Amendment 23-JUL-2003.
Transcript of Hinchey Rohrabacher Amendment debate.

Find out who your congressperson is by entering your zip code below, then click the "back" button to return to this page.

"If the sponsor of the amendment believes that Federal law should permit the medicinal use for marijuana, he ought to go through the legislative process and change the law."
-- Mark Souder (R-IN), in debate on the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment

"The truth is, the gentleman who spoke before me believes we should legalize all drugs, and that is a valid and fair position; but take that issue directly to the substance of this Congress, propose it as a law, propose to amend the Federal laws that prohibit the possession and the use and the sale of marijuana and talk that debate straight up. Do not do it by subterfuge. Do not do it under the table." 
-- Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ) during Hinchey debate.

Jim Miller observes, that the Republicans that spoke against the amendment had a point when they argued that this should not be done as an amendment, and saying Congress ought to go through the legislative process to change the law. The Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment sponsors and many who voted for it are cosponsors of federal legislation that would do just that, HR 2233. It is also interesting to note that many of these same Republicans voted for Bob Barr's amendments to the DC Appropriations bill back in 1998 and 1999. disenfranchising DC voters by forbidding the counting of ballots in the nation's capital's medical marijuana initiative. Apparently it is only wrong when Democrats legislate by amendment.

Rep. Shadegg talks of talking that debate straight up. But every session the GOP leadership bottles it up in committee. Why won't they bring it to a vote? They are afraid of talking on the record rather than bringing it to a vote, even though they have the votes to beat it. If you read the  Hinchey debate transcript, it is obvious that when medical marijuana opponents speak, their words do not stand up to the truth. 

But they say we should talk this debate straight up We've been saying that for many years. Now we finally agree. They say do not hide it under the table. That's where Barney Frank's bill is, being hidden under the table.  Let's talk the debate! Bring HR 2233 to the floor. That's exactly what Jim Miller said in July 2002 at the Capitol.

US WI: PUB LTE: Bring Marijuana Bill To Vote

"And this is probably her last trip here. This will be her ninth and probably last trip. I just want to say that it's obvious we didn't come here to fool anybody. And, as her husband, until today we felt largely ignored. 
I promised her I would protect her. I'm not able to. This is very important that 2592 at least get discussed on the floor, because we're tired of hit and run. 'No, it's not good for you, but I won't talk to you.' It's too late for Cheryl, but there's a lot of other Cheryl's left. It's not too late for some of them. "
-- Jim Miller, Wed, 24 Jul 2002 Transcript: Bipartisan Group of Representatives Holds News Conference on Medical Marijuana at US Capitol.

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Jim & Cheryl at the MS walk at Ortley Beach NJ on April 6th, two months before Cheryl died. This was Cheryl's final public appearance.

Cheryl Miller Memorial Project

UPDATED  Sunday, 14-Sep-2003 12:30:55 PDT
hosted by DPC