Cheryl MillerCheryl Miller

Cheryl Miller

 If you cannot attend the Cheryl Miller Memorial, please make a donation to help bring patients and supporters to Washington DC to honor Cheryl's life and contributions.

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Jim Miller "fundraising" for the October 1999 trip to Washington by digging an approximately 170 pound rock out of the ground on a carpentry job. Please help a patient get to Washington with a generous donation of any amount.

Below is a list of just some of the patients willing to make the journey to D.C. who need financial assistance.
Help move these patients who need funding to the Patients page by making a donation!

  • Joan from the Seattle area is an MS/MMJ patient, an RN for 11 years, and a volunteer working with other patients. 
  • Rebecca is an MS patient and activist from Northern California who has worked with mmj patients for several years. 
  • Cathy from Florida is an ALS patient and a vocal advocate. She is willing to go to DC and already has a great lobbying plan.
  • Darrell is an MS patient from Minnesota. He's been a tremendous advocate, and would be a real asset to thie project.


Cheryl Miller Memorial Project
Donations Here


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Or you can mail donations to:
Cheryl Miller Memorial Project
1600 K Street NW, Suite 501, 
Washington DC, 20006-2832

Cheryl Miller Memorial Project

UPDATED  Wednesday, 27-Aug-2003 23:29:21 PDT
hosted by DPC